Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wed October 22nd 9miles give or take

Do you ever have just one of those days when you don't know your left from your right? You forget everything? Your kids wet two beds in one night, just when you finished all the laundry the night before? You go to Wal Mart without a Credit Card or Check? Yes this is my day today!!! Even my mom, my own mother told me I should have been born blond.
I went to the gym to Run on the treadmill, teach a class on send my youngest to arts and crafts class. As I finally have the rest of the morning all organized I start my run nice and easy just a little pre class warm up, when I see the instructor setting up the class I am supposed to teach. Comes to find out I don't teach till next week (I am telling you it sums up my morning). So I finished up about 5 miles there then headed outside with a group of girls for about 4 or so more miles. The weather is so great right now as I hope it stays for the rest of the winter.
So as for speed, I have no idea, miles a rough guess, but for me I am just glad the morning is over and I am able to run again.

1 comment:

J said...

I am glad you are running again too! Way to go on the big week-day run.