Monday, December 22, 2008

10 Miles At Starky

Jenny, Angela, Catherine and I met at our usual spot usual time with unusual weather, it was the thickest fog with warm and cold patches along the way. It was so thick with fog that when Jenny took pictures along the way it looked like we had snow in Tampa, Florida. I ran the first 5 miles out with the girls then turned around to finish my 10 as the girls preceded to run 20 miles, yes 20 miles!!! They are training for a marathon that is just few weeks away, and that was there last 20 miler and my last long run hopefully without a Garmin:) (Mike I hope you read this)
It was a great run! I would have liked to add a few miles onto it but I did not have anyone to run back with and it gets pretty boring after a while.
Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!

1 comment:

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

keep me in mind for 12 on sunday.