Monday, December 15, 2008

The 1/2athon

What a Great Race!!! I had so much fun! I felt I could have done better but this just inspires me to run more. At this point I do not even know my official time around a 1:58, for the 1/2 marathon, for my third 1/2 I do see where I need to make improvements, but that's what it is supposed to do right? All the running girls were there and everyone did amazing, maybe not the times some of us hoped for, but that is there own opinion, everyone did great.
It makes me look forward to our Sunday runs even more, I believe that I get to know everyone so much more each time we run and I truly look forward to that. Thank you everyone!! Great Job.

1 comment:

J said...

You are right, the race was so much fun!!! Everyone did great.