Sunday, February 22, 2009

12 Miler

I was back to my Sunday long run today as I missed last Sunday and never did get a chance to make it up during the week although the mileage stayed up, it just took running everyday (that stinks)! I cant wait for tomorrow to have a break from running.
We did 12 miles this morning are splits I think were fairly good as I felt strong. I can tell you as I am writing this after my shift at Outback my legs are done tired turkeys and the thought of teaching in the morning does not seem pleasing.
I cant wait for the 1/2 marathon next week, just to see if the speed work and long miles will pay off!

1 comment:

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

go go go you can do it. you are strong and you train consistently. i can't wait to get back on the road tomorrow now htat i am well and elias is back from the bahamas.