Sunday, February 8, 2009

Long Run Sunday!! 11 Miles

With just a small group in tow today we headed to the usual spot, usual time for an usual 11 miles!! I can tell you I did not feel like running today but knowing my head with explode with madness if I did not get out of bed, I hate missing all the fun! and really once you are up out of bed, it is all down hill from there, OK maybe a few uphills, some wind but you catch my drift! It was a great run! the morning was awesome (once it warmed up). Our last few miles were quick which made me happy knowing we can finish so strong! Yes I love to run.

1 comment:

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

sorry i missed the run. i'm always amazed that we always are glad we ran and never that we didn't.